
Diria que também é passível de utilização para fins terapêuticos, em vez de Prozac. Olhar para peças de dominó a cair ad infinitum é quase tão bom como contemplar a água de um rio a correr… bem, vou tomar eu a medicação que pelos vistos falhou-me hoje.

Da autoria de Karl Lautman.

Red Bull Project X

Novamente a Red Bull fez das suas. Mais um investimento nos desportos radicais que me deixa a perguntar ‘Onde vão eles buscar tanto dinheiro? Não podem vender TANTA bebida assim!‘. Fórmula 1, Air Race, Sky Diving, etc, etc… praticamente todos os atletas/malucos de topo em qualquer actividade radical têm o patrocínio deles, só podem traficar armas e droga! :P

Voltando ao assunto. Só queria linkar para o Red Bull Project X, gostei da iniciativa e do site. Cheira-me que este senhor vai abafar hoje nos Winter Olympics!

Ken Robinson, TED 2006

A propósito da TED (que tive oportunidade de ver em directo este ano!), aproveito para deixar aqui o video da talk que mais me marcou de todas as que já vi: School kills creativity.

Com uma mistura perfeita de seriedade, humor, eloquência e conteúdo, Sir Ken Robinson deu uma lição de como bem falar em público, marcando o standard para o que deve ser uma TED Talk.

Cigarette Girl

It’s 2035 and smoking is banned, except in the smoking section.

In the near future laws against smoking have increased to the point where you must live in a certain part of town called the Smoking Section if want to smoke cigarettes. Once you have passed the line of demarcation you just know you’ve crossed the tracks because things get a little grimier, a little more industrial. The sky is a little blacker. The mood is heavier. Someone might get hurt. Cigarettes now cost $63.49 a pack, yet the money derived from this tax obviously isn’t going toward this dystopian corner of the city. If you travel there to smoke or to buy (because it is also illegal to buy on the ‘clean’ side of town) there are several options, but the main place is the Vice Club. There you will find old fashion Cigarette Girls like our heroine with no name. The Vice Club was actually a cigarette factory built in 1935 and designed by the very best deco influenced architects. The original owners even installed a giant 50 foot long Iron cigarette on top of the building that tipped into an gigantic ashtray. One hundred years later that cigarette is cancer coated with rust but still tilts back and forth – if the wind is strong enough, making a horrible squeak on it’s axis that is heard through out the city. Cigarette Girl becomes an angel of death when she stops smoking and starts killing on the third day to alleviate her acute psychological withdrawal manifested primarily by the ghost of a cowboy who is always on her back to keep smoking. Cigarette Girl would rather kill than smoke.

Pode ser óptimo ou péssimo. Ou bom de tão mau ser. Quero ver de qualquer forma! Cheira a Lynch…

Menos vegetativos do que pensavam…

«The inner voice of people who appear unconscious can now be heard. For the first time, researchers have struck up a conversation with a man diagnosed as being in a vegetative state. All they had to do was monitor how his brain responded to specific questions. This means that it may now be possible to give some individuals in the same state a degree of autonomy.»

Na Universidade de Cambridge conseguiu-se com sucesso comunicar com pacientes em estado vegetativo através de scans neuronais. Artigo completo na New Scientist.